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Periodontics & Insurance:

Periodontics and implant surgery has undergone tremendous change in the last few years. There have been unprecedented developments with the technology, materials and procedures available to Periodontist. Our team is committed to ensuring our adherence to the highest standard of care by pursuing advanced training and education opportunities, using only the highest quality materials in pursuit of excellence. This endeavor to achieve the best in periodontal treatment often allows us to restore the foundation of your teeth back to their natural function and health.


Our decisions within the operatory cannot be financially driven. Professional responsibility dictates that patient care be the ONLY driving force for decisions taken by your doctor. Although we will aggressively pursue all measures at our disposal to ensure the best possible insurance coverage, we cannot ethically suggest treatment to our patients with a less than optimal quality of care.


We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debit Card and Cash. 

As a courtesy to our patients with dental benefit plans, we will submit all necessary claim forms, receipts, and other information to your insurance company. Your dental insurance plan is a contract set up by your employer and your insurance company. Each company plan is unique. We will act on your behalf and provide your insurance company with all of the necessary information to ensure that you receive the coverage to which you are entitled. Dental insurance policies often provide some benefit for periodontal treatment.

For you convenience, we also offer $0/0%/$0 financing through AccordD. 
$0 down payment, 0% interest, $0 penalty for repayment within 1 year!


We also offer low interest long-term financing through Dento-Plan which provides more flexile longer term repayment options over 7 years.


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